Ask Sacto 911 crime Q&A: Why doesn’t Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department install observation cameras at trouble spots?

Q: Why doesn’t the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department have camera pods in places that are trouble spots like the Sacramento Police Department has? …

These devices alert officers if the car in the next lane was reported stolen, or if it is owned by a parolee, a sex offender or someone who hasn’t paid a fine. Full Article

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This is just WRONG, notifying a PIG in the next lane if its a parolee car (could be a family member driving it) Same with a RSO, just MORE tools for HARASSMENT that does NOTHING for ANYONE except for a PIG to start looking for a reason to pull over a car… same as racial profiling… unless the guy isnt using a turn signal, MIght as well paint in BIG PINK LETTERS… RSO or PAROLEE… WTF Guess maybe time to put the registered name of the car into a shill or fake name or a business. It isnt like a ID is required to sign over a title or a car (unless maybe a dealership) but pinkslip ownership is 99.999%

Over and over again, people don’t understand that would be invasion of privacy to everyone who is not targeted as well. Because thoe cameras would be working even in situations where a person would have reasonable expectation of privacy, such as on private land, parking lots, private roads, et cetera.

Red light / speed cameras have already opened a can of worms legally. We don’t need to look far to learn just how much a bad idea placing cameras everywhere is.


Fools. Every. One. Of. Them.

Never register a vehicle under your ( in fact never use your real name on anything if it is not legally required ) name use your wife , sister or somebody else that is a strong supporter of you . You don’t directly own the car, its legal you are just driving somebody else’s car all of the time . When you do your annual register, you don’t claim to own or drive any specific vehicle , another way of protection is to form and register a business either a business partnership or LLC ( you will automatically get a tax ID # but you are not planning to make any money) . You choose your fictitious business name all legal . Your vehicle is registered to your business name like “Rare Antiques” it really is legally registered to you but your name is like somewhere else on the registration . When the Cops run the license number your name does not come up , it says this vehicle is legally owned by a business ” Rare Antiques ” , when a cop sees that there is nothing that brings any thing to his attention and no reason to pull you over . However Obey all traffic laws !! They now have a camera/computer that can capture plate numbers at an incredible rate and immediately spits out the name and any relevant data Felon ? RSO ? the camera/computer will alert the cop that it has found some one he can fuck with . A car registered to your business name would not set any alarm off .
Your other name you should always use unless legally required it should sound very very close to your real name that is spelled or modified only slightly you can get creative here . Be subtle here you need to respond to the sound of this name like your true one the important thing here is the difference in spelling of both the first and the last names. Use this on social media sites and email at the very least. Before I learned this I did get “OUTTED” on FB , scary ! Had to disappear for a few days and restart it . I call it living under the radar .

Catch22: I like your idea of the putting your cars under a business name, as I believe youre correct it will come back as a business. Screws cops from harassing someone. Im just waiting for a family member to get a hit (on the pig computer) and get pulled over for some lame excuse bs.. Cops do the same to TWO tenants walking from my house to the bus… “you look like someone wanted” BS, it was REALLY they pulled them over cause they wanted to harass whereas to PULL you over in a CAR there has to be some supposed-able reason (tail light etc etc) someone on a bike or walking… although could be a little pain as title and insurance and reselling a business named title etc.. hopefully insurance wouldnt cost more… but good idea as this country turns into the UK with their ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Readers) over there a van sits along the freeway reading EVERY car and down the road.. pull overs… no insurance, a previous drug runner etc…all get the hit.